Kill Me Quick
Me Quick, published in 1973, is a novel by Meja
Mwangi. The novel won the Jomo Kenyatta Prize
for Literature in 1974.
story follows Meja and Maina, two young boys who move to the city after
obtaining their secondary school diplomas. They hope to find jobs in order to
support their families back home. Initially unsuccessful, the pair live in
dumpsters, eating rotten fruit and stale cakes, unable to return home as
failures. Eventually, they obtain jobs at a farm working for a very rich
family. Maina causes problems in the house while blaming Meja, who suffers the
consequences. Meja is put on half rations, moved from job to job, then has his
rations almost completely revoked. After Maina's biggest episode, the pair lose
their jobs. Mania and Meja split after Mania steals from a store and gets Meja
in trouble. Meja flees home only to return to the city and work in a coal mine.
Maina joins a gang in "shanty land," led by a boy named Razor who
claims they went to school together. Here, Maina attempts to run a scheme
selling milk to clients in the area, which he has stolen from the rich
neighborhood. Eventually, he is caught. The pair meet up again in prison, but
soon go their separate ways. Meja continues to go in and out of prison, and
Maina ends up on trial for murder.
of women
many other postcolonial
Kenyan novels, women are depicted as objects for sexual pleasure, or as Nici
Nelson puts it, only there as "screws for the main characters." Sara,
Razor's girlfriend, is there for the sole purpose of allowing him to obtain
pleasure in front of his gang. Maina's girlfriend Dehliah is mentioned briefly,
and she works as a "barmaid," also known as a prostitute.
with Independence
Kenhinde remarks that Kill Me Quick' "presents a harsh account of
urban life in postcolonial Kenya." The novel opens with the lines:
Meja sat by the ditch swinging his legs this way and that. A
few people passed by engrossed in their daily problems and none of them gave
the lanky youth a thought. But the searching eyes of Meja missed nothing. They
scrutinized the ragged beggars who floated ghostly past him as closely as they
watched the smart pot-bellied executives wrinkling their noses at the foul
stench of backyards. And between these two types of beings, Meja made
remarks that this is what Mwangi sees every day, and that "he has a vision
of life as hell." Meja illustrates how what he sees is so much less than
what he was anticipating, which is a general discourse among the genre. Arlene
Elder echoes this idea of disillusionment, coining what she terms the 'pursuit
of the Kenyan Dream." Within the novel, the protagonists are
"Frustrated again and again by a hypocritical society that pays lip
service to the value of formal education, but fails to reward those who believe
it promises." Like the American
Dream, the Kenyan Dream is unable to be
achieved, and Meja and Mania are left to suffer.
Smiley uses Kill Me Quick and the rest of Mwangi's "urban
novels" to illustrate the pitfalls of the urban centers. Smiley uses them
as a teaching tool for students, believing that these fictional accounts are
accurate representations of real urban experiences. Passages are selected and
used to create a geography for a Kenyan urban center, which is then used to
teach students the similarities between other cities. The novel's urban
landscape serves to highlight the corruption and crime of the plot, but it is
also a place where people live and move about in their daily lives, a concept few
scholars address.
· Nelson, Nici (1992). "Representations
of Men and Women, City and Town in Kenyan Novels of the 1970s and 1980s".
African Languages and Cultures. 9 (2): 145–168. doi:10.1080/09544169608717807.
· · Kehinde, Ayo
African Studies. 13 (2): 228–241.
· · Elder, Arlene
(1991). "In Pursuit of the "Kenyan Dream": Mwangi Ruheni's the
Future Leaders and Meja Mwangi's Kill Me Quick". World Literature Written
in English. 31 (2).
Smiley, Sarah (2009). "Teaching Africa's Cities Through Meja
Mwangi's Novels". Journal of Geography. 108 (4).
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